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Encyclopedia Actions Conquest


An ownerless organisation, due to death or resignation, can be claimed by another character. The proclamation takes place in the domain where the organisation is hosted. Depending on the type of organisation, [URL=/help/act/conquest:claim][…][/URL]


Moving inside an enemy building may require an intrusion, the duration of which is calculated based on the building's tightness and the Intrusion skill. An intrusion will always be considered an assault [URL=/help/act/conquest:intrude][…][/URL]


A building or an area can be occupied by enemy troops. Occupation prevents the start of new actions and allows the occupant to control access to the building. [URL=/help/act/conquest:occupy][…][/URL]


The main purpose of a siege is to provoke insurrection in a domain. The besiegers also take a tribute on all the financial transactions with the outside world: purchases and sales on the market, consumption, [URL=/help/act/conquest:siege][…][/URL]


This action is equivalent to an inverted Vassalage action: the overlord must be present on the lands of the vassal and make the request. Forced subjugation is possible if the organisation is in insurrection. [URL=/help/act/conquest:subject][…][/URL]


When a domain is attacked, the holder of the territorial or temporal organisation can sign a surrender. This has the effect of immediately ceasing any attack on the organisation's units and buildings in [URL=/help/act/conquest:surrend][…][/URL]

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