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Encyclopedia Actions Relationships between lords


Like marriage, the divorce of two spouses requires the presence of a member of the clergy whose rank depends on that of the spouses. [URL=/help/act/relation:divorce][…][/URL]


Units or characters carrying resources can make gifts. The quantity of resource exchanged is always equal to a single unit: a flower, a necklace, a bottle of wine, one kilogram of potatoes… This action [URL=/help/act/relation:gift][…][/URL]


Each character can marry a character of the opposite sex. This solemn union is often a ceremony in the presence of many witnesses, especially if the bride and groom are important lord and lady. Each spouse [URL=/help/act/relation:marry][…][/URL]

Telepathic contact

You can contact a random character and start a telepathic conversation. Your contact will hear everything you say and you will hear everything he says, even if you are not in the same place. If you don't [URL=/help/act/relation:contact][…][/URL]

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