Encyclopedia Actions Vassalage Vassalage


An organisation, territorial or non-territorial, can become a vassal of another organisation. The latter is then considered as its superior, which gives it in particular the right to levy a tax. To become a vassal, a lord must appear on the lands of his future overlord and obtain his agreement. The pact of vassalage is established between organisations and not between their respective leaders: in case of death of the owner of an organisation, the links of vassalage are maintained, unless a new leader decides to declare his [URL=/help/act?type=indep]independence[/URL] or give allegiance to another suzerain. Depending on its [URL=/help/org]type[/URL], a vassal organisation can be automatically demoted: for example, a kingdom can not retain its title of kingdom when it becomes vassal of a lower organisation.

Mature spruces

Unlocked 8 weeks after the beginning of each new continent. It will be unlocked on 1715782125. Until then, this type of action cannot take place in this region.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence. You are currently on a building of type: Spruces.


Required skills and resources: