Encyclopedia Cults Old gods Kaabe


Kaabé is the first of the ancient goddesses and wife of [URL=/help/cult?type=fyndus]Fyndus[/URL]. She is the queen of the earth, the incarnation of the spirit that makes living things grow and bloom. It was she who gave the world the various species of trees, plants and seeds. The people who live from agriculture worship Kaabé. Her sanctification ensures abundant harvests.


Unlocked 1 week after the beginning of each new continent.
No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Temple / Chapel / Cathedral apse / Abbey apse. You are currently on a bare ground.

Skill bonuses: Sowing 10, Plantation 10, Fruit picking 5, Harvesting 5, Rice growing 5, Gardening 5, Fire -5, Tree felling -10.


Places of worship: Temple / Chapel / Cathedral apse / Abbey apse. Required skills and resources:


Required skills and resources: