Gwen Fleur-De-Lys von Litvin

Countess consort of Port-Venu, Grand officer of the Order of Cartographers, Mayoress of Duin Dór, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Priestess of Duin Dór, Village chief of Schäferland, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Denar, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Forodren Fen, Knight of the Order of Rulers and Builders

Jada Fleur-De-Lys

President of the Beef Meat Society, President of the Union of Cowmen, Vidamess of Dún Gar, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Seneschal of Schleswig-Ævum, Vice-mayoress of Fürstenberg, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Denar and Military Valour, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Builders, Hunters and Military Wounded, Member of the Cow Breeders and Manure Collectors Society, Member of the Union of Sculptors

Arwen Fleur-De-Lys, aka Arwen “The Regent”

Officer of the Order of Ancients and Hunters, Knight of the Order of Mines and Merchants

Romeo Fleur-De-Lys

President of the Sapphire Mines Society, Commander of the Order of Denar and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Hamlet chief of Thilivern Mál Dór, Calen Lúg, Mithril Dór, Blu Gem Land and Fleur-De-Lysland, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Miners, Member of the Emerald Mines and Hazel Copses Society

Freya Fleur-De-Lys von Litvin, aka Freya “Northern Princess”

Princess of New Ævum, Lady mayoress of Ætheria, Peer of the realm of Uroboros, Commander of the Order of Hunters and Denar, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Merchants and Military Wounded, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Builders and Military Valour

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Armorial House Fleur-De-Lys

House Fleur-De-Lys

House Fleur-De-Lys

Founded on 1618858188

Characters: Gwen Fleur-De-Lys von Litvin: Countess consort of Port-Venu, Grand officer of the Order of Cartographers, Mayoress of Duin Dór, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Priestess of Duin Dór, Village chief of Schäferland, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Denar, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Forodren Fen, Knight of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Jada Fleur-De-Lys: President of the Beef Meat Society, President of the Union of Cowmen, Vidamess of Dún Gar, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Seneschal of Schleswig-Ævum, Vice-mayoress of Fürstenberg, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Denar and Military Valour, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Builders, Hunters and Military Wounded, Member of the Cow Breeders and Manure Collectors Society, Member of the Union of Sculptors, Arwen “The Regent”: Officer of the Order of Ancients and Hunters, Knight of the Order of Mines and Merchants, Romeo Fleur-De-Lys: President of the Sapphire Mines Society, Commander of the Order of Denar and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Hamlet chief of Thilivern Mál Dór, Calen Lúg, Mithril Dór, Blu Gem Land and Fleur-De-Lysland, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Miners, Member of the Emerald Mines and Hazel Copses Society, Freya “Northern Princess”: Princess of New Ævum, Lady mayoress of Ætheria, Peer of the realm of Uroboros, Commander of the Order of Hunters and Denar, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Merchants and Military Wounded, Member of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Builders and Military Valour.

Historic estate: Vidamy of Dún Gar.

 68.  1.

No personal information

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