Portabella Fogarty

President of the Union of Hunters, President of the Bucket Makers Society, Grand officer of the Order of Denar and Merchants, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Agriculture Merit and Mines, Village chief of Weirbrook, Silvernip and Bunyan, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Builders and Civilian Victims, Member of the academy of Applied Tomfoolery, Knight of the Order of Rulers and Merit, Member of the Larch Forests, Barrel Makers and Charcoal Producers Society, Member of the Union of Coopers, Ploughmen and Swineherds

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Armorial Bucket Makers Society

Bucket Makers Society

Bucket Makers Society

Founded on 1686839041
County of Arnor, Ursalia

Important Characters: Portabella Fogarty: President of the society, Apolline Augis: Associate, Jacob Checkem: Associate, Eightlegs Dubloon: Associate, Cornelius Gator: Associate, Valentine Patans: Associate, Wally Gator: Associate, Georgia Prista: Associate.

Locate on the Map

Bucket Makers Society

70 610.59

Sphere: commercial
Housing capacity for 23138 inhabitants (minimum: 1000)

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