Tristan Idmark

Grand master of the Order of Merchants, Grand cross of the Order of Hunters and Civilian Victims, President of the Teak Forests Society, Commander of the Order of Builders, Denar and Military Wounded, Priest of Talahar, Village chief of Talahar, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Blessed and Mines, Knight of the Order of Merit, Cartographers, War Cross, Military Valour and Agriculture Merit, Member of the Mahogany Forests, Rosewood Forests and Bamboo Forests Society

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Armorial Parish of Talahar

Parish of Talahar

Parish of Talahar

Founded on 1705495276

Population: 2,364 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Tristan Idmark: Priest.

In the same territory: Village of Talahar.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Talahar

1 609.01

Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 2535 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

MDQyN6+emI2VqFiHdFxrhZKDdZORaaqmr6OZj5qYapNibmR3oYVnlJFvmqm5k6yKiatjdXJpWXSd cWekr4vBl6myjIqq1KW9Vml6rty+loeMf6eir6WgfZm3h8Kaqqij23FkkqOd4tPo2YyNpphlloaJ gGeikFeUiqHW5Zugl8jW4pa8kqChp9FxZJLCouLl29rNfZajg8KanKe2kn5i0cBep6Kbo6mttr9Y g3VcZojOvp+HjH/k5N2TmZ6aqWiHY1xphsGtnsPCmueXq7CMiqrIhZxWbHhwkn5m
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