Encyclopedia Cults Old gods Kastau


Kastau is the god of architecture, carpentry, masonry and all workers and craftsmen involved in the construction of cities. Despite being the brother of [URL=/help/cult?type=kaabe]Kaabé[/URL], his idealised vision of the world is opposed to that of his sister: according to him, lands should be covered with monuments, and he sees in stone and trees only materials sources used for the creative spirit of human genius. The legendary Pyramid of Kastau would be the first work of architecture to have been built on the surface of the Earth. It was buried in the sand a long time ago and has not been found yet.


Unlocked 1 week after the beginning of each new continent.
No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Heart of the great pyramid / Temple / Chapel / Cathedral apse / Abbey apse. You are currently on a bare ground.

Skill bonuses: Architecture 10, Masonry 10, Stone cutting 10, Carpentry 10, Surveying 5, Roofing 5, Fishing -5, Hunting -5, Trapping -5, Herding -5, Fruit picking -5.


Places of worship: Heart of the great pyramid / Temple / Chapel / Cathedral apse / Abbey apse. Required skills and resources:


Required skills and resources: