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Encyclopedia Actions Appointments


Some organisations allow the appointment of special function or titles. For example, the ruler of a kingdom can appoint a chancellor, marshals, etc. The list of titles available depends on the type of [URL=/help/act/titles:grant][…][/URL]


An ownerless organisation, due to death or resignation, can be claimed by another character. The proclamation takes place in the domain where the organisation is hosted. Depending on the type of organisation, [URL=/help/act/titles:claim][…][/URL]


A character may be dismissed from his duties in an organisation, as Chancellor, Seneschal, Marshal or other… This dismissal doesn't require his approval and doesn't require his presence in the same place [URL=/help/act/titles:revoke][…][/URL]


Excommunication is a privilege reserved for the Popes. During the action, the members of the excommunicated family can no longer access new religious titles, found, claim or promote a religious or sacred [URL=/help/act/titles:excom][…][/URL]


This action makes it possible to temporarily claim an organisation as a regent. Unlike a true claim, the regency does not require a religious ceremony or an election. Only the heirs are called to accept. [URL=/help/act/titles:regent][…][/URL]


A character may decide to resign a title that they own in an organisation, whether it is the title of ownership acquired by a proclamation or some other function that has been granted to him by an appointment. [URL=/help/act/titles:resign][…][/URL]

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